
English ability of little advantage for mid-career job seekers...

Summery: From the new academic year, some companies like Rakuten and Uniqlo, English is becoming to an official language at their office.
The Recruit Agent surveyed that it is difficult to find a job without any English ability. But it is not only for new job seekers, mid-career salary-mans worried that if they want to survive, they need to learn English form their mid 30s.
At the job interview, the person who could respond in English well, be at an advantage.
So, you better start learning English to survive.

Comments: I don`t believe it is all about ENGLISH.
It is really good if you could speak English, but we all need business English as well.
People need their own major English to learn.
Even they cannot do everyday conversation, they need their professional words and phrases to work.
So, I recomend to study their major English rather than just English.



My Golden Ween in 2011.

May 3rd
My oldest sister came to my apartment from Okayama and stayed over.
We met at the Nishinomiya-Gardens after I finished all classes.
We went for shopping and had dinner there.
She came because she wanted to see my room and her school was on Golden Ween Break.

May 4th
I usually have classes after lunch, but I have classes from the first block on Wednesday.
I went to school with her and had easy tour in the school.
After that, she went home to meet my second sister to  have lunch and watch movie in Osaka.
After that, they went to our parents house in Mie.

After school, I went HOME, too.
My Dad had to work that night, so her wasn`t home, but I had nice TEMAKI-SUSHI with my Mom and two sisters.

May 5th
My Dad came home around 10 in the morning.
We planted to have lunch all together in Osaka.

After lunch we, without my Dad, went for a concert.

We really enjoyed the concert even we were too far to recognize their face.

I wanted to spend more time with my family, but we had school...........
I just hope to have nice long GW next year!