
The movie I love...

The movie I like is called "P.S. I love you."
I love to watch Japanese and English movies. I have many favorites, but this movie just stack in my head!! You could cry while you watch this. Not only the end... :)

This is located in America. The main Character is Holly Kennedy. Her husband is Gerry who is passionate and funny Irishman. They loved each other. When they had a fight, one run out of the apartment angrily. He or she get back to the room less than a minuets. But one day, an illness took Gerry away from Holly. Her life became just colorless. When a letter arrived, it started changing her life. It was from her hasband. He wrote 10 letters before he died to Holly. As she follow the contents of the letters, she meets new people. The letter from her hasband pushed her to a new future and she became herself again or even more. In each letter, he signs the same ward, "P.S. I love you."

I like the movie because I couldn`t expect what`s going to happen the next. It always betraied me in a good way. It is really sad to watch the feelings of people who lost their importnat people in their lives. But this movie makes me happy along the sean changes in the film. It is hard to read a letter from someone who cannot see or touch again, but it reminds you that whoever send the letter, is watching you, sometimes give a push and always loves you. It reminds me to think about precious people to care about them and tell them that you love them.


I hope you watch it and enjoy it!!!

3 件のコメント:

  1. I'M LOVING IT <3 <3 <3 lol

  2. thanks for your comment on my last post.
    it was easy to understand what the movie's about.
    I'd like to watch it someday :)
