It was a bit chilly but not too much, but Molly kept herself bundled up so that her little feet wouldn't get cold. After a while, her and her little brother steve were sound asleep.
Molly started dreaming of a beautiful green park with lots of big trees and berry bushes. She saw herself walking around with her little brother when she saw a pair of red shiny boots in the bushes. They looked sparkly new and she thought they were just the size of her cold little feet. "These boots will keep my feet warm" she thought, and when she didn't find anyone in the park she figured that they don't belong to anyone.
Molly tried the boots on and they fit perfectly! Her brother thought they looked beautiful on her. Molly stood up and started walking, but all of a sudden, the boots began to jumping around bu\y itself. Molly tried to take them off, but it was moving so hard. The boots was bringing her into a forest. Molly`s brother was posed surprisingly, but he followed her quickly. As they went deeper and deeper into the forest, it became darker and darker in the sky. After walking and frightening for long time to nowhere, they were so tired. Molly and her brother couldn`t walk anymore, but the boots kept moving.
After a long walk, the boots suddenly stopped in front of a tree house in the middle of the forest. The house looked nice and beautiful with ivy all over the wall. Molly and her brother stared the house. The boots started walking towards the door and kicked it like knocking the door. Molly and her brother didn`t expect a person living there, but the light turned on behind the door and slowly opened. "May I help you?" An old beautiful woman said. They couldn`t think any ward to say. While Molly was trying to find a ward, the woman saw the red shiny boots on her foot. That woman said "That boots broght you here. isn`t it?", smileing. "It always go for a walk by itself and bring someone. Well, thank you for bringing it here." When Molly tried to take them off by herself earlier, it didn`t stay still, but when the woman was there, helping Molly to take it off, the boots didn`t move at all. They talked while having a tea, cakes and cookies. As the time goes, Molly and her brother fell asleep.
When they woke up, they were at their own house and own beds. Molly couldn`t believe that was just a dream, but if it was, she and her brother should be at the tree house. She went to the bathroom to wash her face. She was sprised seeing her face with some cookie crosts around her mouth in the mirror.
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